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WVU to celebrate WVUp All Night’s 20th birthday this weekend

WVUp all night

WVUp All Night will celebrate its 20th birthday this weekend. 

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WHO:  West Virginia University’s WVUp All Night

WHAT:  WVUp All Night to celebrate 20th birthday

WHERE: Mountainlair

WHEN: Friday and Saturday, March 23 and 24 from 9 p.m. – 1 a.m.

WVUp All Night is a first of its kind in the nation, award-winning program. Convened in 1998, it provides students with multifaceted events each Friday and Saturday during the fall and spring semesters.

The program offers attractions from national entertainment companies, first-run movies, comedy clubs, and free food throughout the night. It consistently attracts approximately 1,500-3,000 students per night. Additionally, the number of incident reports from the University Police Department have declined from the onset of the program’s existence.

For a complete schedule of WVUp All Night’s birthday weekend, visit



CONTACT: Sonja Wilson, WVU Student Life

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