Director, Marketing and Communications
304.521.3638 Cell; 304.293.4086 Work
WHAT: WVU’s Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources will host representatives from Dominion Energy when it officially opens its new Natural Gas Measurement Laboratory. The laboratory was made possible thanks to a major gift made to the Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from Dominion Resources and the Dominion Foundation.
The laboratory provides students with access to state-of-the-art equipment for flow measurement and control of natural gas.
WHO: Representatives speaking from the podium include Brian Sheppard, vice president, of pipeline operations, Dominion Energy; Robert Orndorff, state policy director, Dominion Energy; Gene Cilento, Glen H. Hiner Dean, Statler College; Samuel Ameri, chair, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering.
WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 16, 11 a.m.
WHERE: 148 Mineral Resources Building, WVU Evansdale Campus. Parking will be available in Lot 41.
NOTE: RSVP to Mary Dillon, 304.293.4086, or by Tuesday, Nov. 14.