Cisco's John Chambers will speak Friday (Cot. 27) at the David C. Hardesty, Jr Festival of Ideas.
Patrick Gregg
WVU College of Business and Economics; 304.293.5131
WHAT: David
C. Hardesty, Jr. Festival of Ideas series
WHEN: Friday (Oct. 27) 11a.m.
WHERE: Mountainlair Ballrooms, WVU Student Union, West Virginia University
John Chambers, Executive Chairman of Cisco Systems and a two-time graduate of West Virginia University, will present “The New Digital Era and the Implications for Education” as part of the David C. Hardesty Jr. Festival of Ideas series Friday (Oct. 27) at 11 a.m. in the Mountainlair Ballrooms.
Read more about John Chambers and the David C. Hardesty, Jr. Festival of Ideas.
Media are welcome to attend the event. Due to post-lecture time considerations, no media interviews will take place following the presentation.
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