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Connections with Jimmy Carter extend to WVU

Several West Virginia University faculty and staff members with a range of ties to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter cite his work in service and education as keys to his lasting legacy.

6 WVU Army ROTC cadets to commission as officers

The West Virginia University Army ROTC Mountaineer Battalion will commission six cadets as second lieutenants during the Fall Commissioning Ceremony Thursday (Dec. 19).

WVU researchers share benefits of real Christmas trees, tips for care

In this bustling holiday season, West Virginia University experts are explaining the science behind the warm, fuzzy feelings that real Christmas trees can create. Chad Pierskalla, WVU Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources professor, and Dave McGill, WVU Extension forest resources specialist, have research findings and tips to help you get the most enjoyment out of this holiday staple.

WVU expert says using leftovers creatively delivers more bang for your bucks

A West Virginia University expert is sharing money saving tips for families looking to make holiday food go further. With a little creativity, Gina Wood with the WVU Extension Family Nutrition Program says there are ways to use leftovers instead of tossing them while also keeping your family from groaning “turkey again?”

WVU Extension experts share tips for savings and safety during holiday shopping season

Ahead of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and the rest of the holiday shopping season, West Virginia University experts are offering advice to shoppers with gifts to buy, including the best ways to make it through shopping holidays with all the gifts you’re looking for while saving money and protecting your financial information.