Tree Safety_Dave McGill]: WVU Extension Service’s Dave McGill encourages families to practice safety when putting up a fresh-cut Christmas tree. WVU photo/Extension Service
What’s the news?
During the holiday season, many West Virginia families deck their halls with garland, tinsel, lights and most commonly, the Christmas tree. While the ease and convenience of a pre-lit, artificial tree appeal to some, others prefer the look and smell of a fresh-cut Christmas tree. A fresh-cut tree does require a bit more attention and care, but according to West Virginia University Extension Service expert Dave McGill, by taking a few simple precautions, you and your family can safely enjoy your tree all season long.
Dave McGill VIDEO file: Christmas tree selection and safety
“Once you get the tree home, slice the trunk of the tree again just to make sure it’s a fresh cut. Stand it up in your stand; make sure it’s real stable. You also want to make sure you water it every day – that’s the critical thing.”
“When you’re decorating the tree, that’s a good time to think about safety because you’re going to put electrical lights on it.”
“Another thing about tree safety is where you position it in the first place. You don’t want to put it by heaters or too close to a fire source or an open flame, like a stove or an open fireplace, so that it doesn’t dry out and become a fire hazard.” – Dave McGill, forest resources specialist and professor, WVU Extension Service
Other resources:
WVU Extension Service: Proper Christmas Tree Selection and Safety
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CONTACT: Hannah Booth, Communications Specialist
WVU Extension Service
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