Ryan Claycomb, Interim Director of WVU Humanities Center.
What’s the
As West Virginia seeks to re-imagine its future both economically and culturally, West Virginia University is creating the structure for more flexible doctoral degrees in the humanities. The WVU Humanities Center is working along with the Departments of History and English and the Office of Graduate Education and Life to create interdisciplinary initiatives that will generate new directions in an ever-changing workforce.
Quotes and comments
“Our goal is to think about all the different ways we can apply humanities knowledge to best prepare our next generation of thinkers to contribute meaningfully beyond the academy as well as within it. We are developing a base for deep expertise in the human-focused knowledge and skills that can help educate an Appalachian workforce while thinking through the cultural challenges that come with our evolving technical, economic and natural landscapes. The humanities provide significant insight into these cultural shifts, exploring inquiries into how to enhance our quality of life in West Virginia and teaching the skills necessary to navigate them.”— Ryan Claycomb, professor WVU Department of English, Interim Director of WVU Humanities Center.
WVU Humanities Center Partners
Related story: WVU creating pathways to flexible humanities degrees, careers through NEH grant
Related story: WVU Department of History receives American Historical Association grant to support career diversity initiative
Target Audiences
People focused on workforce development initiatives
Humanities scholars seeking grant opportunities
Humanities faculty, fellows and students
Prospective undergraduate and graduate humanities students
CONTACT: Ryan Claycomb
Interim Director, WVU Humanities Center
304.293.2514; HumanitiesCenter@mail.wvu.edu
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