WVU infectious disease expert Douglas Slain says people should still get a flu vaccination, even though it's late in the season.
What’s the news?
It may be late in the season, but a West Virginia University infectious disease
expert says people should still get a flu vaccine to protect them and those
around them from the contagious virus that has killed young and old alike.
WVU School of Pharmacy
“A vaccine is still one of the best ways to prevent people from getting and spreading the flu. Of course, good hand hygiene, and covering coughs and sneezes is always important. Other reasons include protecting your family and the community as a whole, particularly the elderly and children—who are more susceptible to the virus. Vaccines work best if a large percentage of the population gets them.”
Find out more about flu and the myths surrounding flu vaccines in this Q&A with Dr. Slain.
Contact information: Media inquiries for Dr. Slain should be directed to Tara Scatterday, 304.293.0630; tdscatterday@hsc.wvu.edu
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