WVU CED is accepting donations for holiday gifts to be given to youth ages 17-23 who have aged out of foster care.
What’s the news?
The holidays can be a difficult time for many, but for young people who have aged out of foster care it can be particularly rough. The MODIFY Program with the WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVU CED) is accepting donations for holiday gifts to be given to youth ages 17-23 who have aged out of foster care.
Quotes and Comments
“We have done small drives like this in the past. After hearing from some of the youth in our programs how appreciative they were and that for some these were the only gifts that they received over the holidays, we decided to try to launch this drive on a larger scale,” -- Tina Faber, program manager for the MODIFY program.
These young people receive services through the MODIFY Program to help them with college and independent living skills, but many have limited or no family support and often do not receive any gifts for the holidays.
Target Audiences
Social Service Agencies
WVU Community
Organizations interested in philanthropy
Link to original story:
Remember youth who have aged out of the foster care system during the holidays
CONTACT: Melina Danko Communications Manager Center for Excellence in Disabilities (CED)
304.293.4265; mdanko@hsc.wvu.edu
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