WVU piano professor Dr. James Miltenberger has influenced and inspired thousands of students in his 50-plus years at WVU.
What’s the News?
Thousands of students and hundreds of faculty have passed through the West Virginia University School of Music during the 50-plus years Dr. James Miltenberger has been teaching piano there. While his final faculty performance with the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra will be April 20, his legacy will live on through a piano scholarship in his name.
Quotes and Comments
“(Alumni) always share memories that include ‘Doc.’ His impact is immeasurable and irreplaceable; he really embodies this institution.” -- Keith Jackson, director of the School of Music
“I personally benefitted in so many ways by being able to study piano and repertoire with Dr. Miltenberger that I wanted to ensure his spirit would live on in the many students attracted to study piano at WVU because of his reputation.” -- Lydia Weisser, WVU alumna and original contributor to the James Miltenberger Piano Scholarship
The end of an era, the start of a legacy
James Miltenberger WVU Faculty page
Video: 50 years later, ‘Doc’ Miltenberger still feels at home at WVU
Video: ‘Country Roads’-WVU Marching Band feature James ‘Doc’ Miltenberger, field level view
Photos available for download.
Target Audience
Music students
Music educators
WVU alumni
CONTACT: Bernadette M. Dombrowski