WVU students help out in a medical clinic in Nicaragua.
What’s the News?
West Virginia University students and faculty participate in service projects and learning events around the world, immersing themselves in a different culture and human experience. Recent examples include: a trip to Nicaragua where students provided care and distributed medical and dental supplies; others went to Timor-Leste to experience nation building in one of the world’s newest countries; and another group traveled to the Royal University for Women in Bahrain to debate the role of multiculturalism in social order.
Quotes and Comments
“What motivated me at the beginning was an overwhelming desire to learn more about the world and help others in the process. I wanted to expand my horizons in a meaningful way.” --Julia Dunigan, junior biology major from Fairview.
“I am motivated to plan these trips because of the opportunity to work with some of the bright and brilliant students at the University. To teach in settings like an empty pool in Nicaragua, in a clinic, on a 90-minute bus ride or in the home of a stranger is something that is indescribable.” -- Daniel Brewster, Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
“The relationships that are built between the students from both schools end up being even more important than the visits to the museums and culturally significant sites in Bahrain. Forming friendships that traverse cultural boundaries is the real mission of this program.”— Cate Johnson, assistant director, WVU ASPIRE
Photos available for download
More information about Nicaragua trip:
Nursing student Krystal White’s blog
Target Audiences
College and high school students who want to do international service
Healthcare providers
Companies with international interests
service organizations
CONTACT: Henry ‘Hank’ Oliver
Communications and Special Programs Coordinator
304.293.7242; henry.oliver@mail.wvu.edu