WVU's Experimental Rocketry team will compete in New Mexico.
What’s the news?
West Virginia University’s Experimental Rocketry team is preparing to take off for competition at the Spaceport America Cup in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where it will compete against 110 teams from 11 countries. The team has built its own 12-foot fiber glass rocket designed to carry 8.8 pounds of payload 10,000 feet into the sky, which it will test next month at a Tripoli Rocketry Association event.
Quotes and comments
“I think we have a real shot at winning and we are looking forward to showing the world what WVU can do.” Tim Bear, mechanical and aerospace engineering major and WVUER president
The altitude the rocket reaches is a major component of the score but the quality of the design and construction is scored as well. In an attempt to achieve the maximum score possible, the team has built every component of the rocket from scratch except for the parachutes and safety-critical electronics.
Photo available for download
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Link to original story:
Experimental Rocketry team prepares to compete in international competition
Target audiences
- • People
interested in rocket science
- • Science
- • Prospective
college students
- • Parents
CONTACT: Mary C. Dillon, Statler College of
Engineering and Mineral Resources
304.293.4086; Mary.Dillon@mail.wvu.edu