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Oxycontin giant’s guilty plea poses more questions than answers about opioid epidemic, according to WVU experts

A “disappointing” settlement that reveals a bent toward corporate profits over an “unfathomable amount of suffering” should lead to the shutdown of Purdue Pharma, according to West Virginia University experts who both work with people who face substance use disorder issues and have investigated the inner workings of the illicit side of the drug trade. Dr. Judith Feinberg, Dr. James Berry and John Temple are versed in various angles of the national opioid crisis are available to discuss the Justice Department’s $8.3 billion settlement with Purdue Pharma, the drug company that produces OxyContin. Purdue Pharma also agreed to plead guilty to three felonies.

Socially-distanced Halloween with the Horses set for Saturday

The West Virginia University Equine Studies Program will host Halloween with the Horses from 2-4 p.m. Saturday (Oct. 24) at the J.W. Ruby Research Farm in Reedsville. Families and children of all ages are invited to participate in the drive-thru, smartphone-guided scavenger hunt and pick up a packet of educational materials. The WVU teaching horses will be dressed in costume — and kids are encouraged to do the same.

WVU Chambers College hosts Ethics of AI Panel as part of Distinguished Speaker Series

With the increase in artificial intelligence across industries, the Chambers College Distinguished Speaker Series, in conjunction with Vantage Ventures, is hosting an Ethics in AI Panel. Experts David Fragale, Laure Kornhauser and Tim Duncan will lead a thoughtful discussion on the implications of AI, followed by a Q&A session.