West Virginia University Extension Service Family and Commmunity Development Agent Cheryl Kaczor has some helpful tips and resources to help people affected by diabetes as National Diabetes Month begins.
November is American Diabetes Awareness Month, and with one in 10 West Virginians being affected by the disease, it can be an important time for people to learn more. West Virginia University Extension Service Family and Community Development Agent Cheryl Kaczor has some helpful tips and resources to help people affected by diabetes.
“Managing your diabetes is like a three-legged stool. Nutrition, physical activity and medication are all important to help control your blood sugar levels. When one area is out of balance, it is more difficult to control—just like a stool will not sit properly.”
“Thirty minutes of physical activity on most days of the week will help lower your blood sugar and eventually your A1C. Your A1C is the best indicator of how your diabetes is being managed. According to the American Diabetes Association, an A1C under seven should be your target.”
“Diabetes is a confusing disease. It also is one of the leading chronic illnesses in West Virginia. Dining with Diabetes is a program offered by WVU Extension Service throughout the state. The aim of the program is to equip participants with tools so that they can learn to take control of their diabetes. It not only teaches participants important information on how to help control their illness, but it also provides cooking demonstrations at each class so that participants can learn new ways to prepare healthy diabetic-friendly recipes that taste great.”
“Understanding how to count carbohydrates is one of the most important tools you can learn to help control your diabetes. Choose vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower or summer squash for lower carbohydrates. Although other vegetables are healthy, choosing corn, potatoes or peas will raise your blood sugar.”
“If you have been a diabetic for years or are just newly diagnosed, Dining with Diabetes is an excellent program to learn ways to manage your diabetes, as well as learn new healthy cooking skills while enjoying diabetic-friendly cooking demonstrations.” — Cheryl Kaczor, Family and Community Development Extension Agent, WVU Extension Service
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CONTACT: Sydney Keener
Communications Specialist
WVU Extension Service
304-293-8986; slk0014@mail.wvu.edu
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