WVU experts are available to discuss implications of latest U.S. Census Bureau data. (WVU Photo)
West Virginia University experts are available to delve into various angles surrounding the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, which showed the Mountain State losing 65,000 residents from 2010 to 2020. The new numbers affect everything from funded programs to healthcare to economic development – not just the loss of a congressional seat.
Rural population economics
Daniel Eades, a WVU Extension Service specialist in rural economics, is a regular user of Census data and uses that data to engage community and economic development leaders in informed decision making to support their local development efforts. Eades has a working knowledge of some of those programs and could speak to the importance of accurate counts for funding SNAP, rural housing programs, etc. His contact is: daniel.eades@mail.wvu.edu
Public services and demographic changes
Christopher Plein, professor of public administration, is an expert on public policy formation and implementation. He can answer questions regarding demographic change, federal grant formulas, healthcare and access to services in rural America. His can be contacted at: lplein@mail.wvu.edu
Population estimates
Christiadi, research associate with the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, is West Virginia’s representative for the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates. With his responsibility focusing on projecting populations and demographics for the state’s 55 counties, he can discuss the current population status for the state shown in the census. He can be reached at: christiadi@mail.wvu.edu
West Virginia University experts can provide commentary, insights and opinions on various news topics. Search for an expert by name, title, area of expertise, or college/school/department in the Experts Database at WVU Today.
CONTACT: Jake Stump
WVU Research Communications
304-293-5507; jake.stump@mail.wvu.edu
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