West Virginia University political scientist Erik Herron discusses mail-in voting. (WVU Photo)
West Virginia University political scientist Erik Herron, who has experience in election administration and has researched international elections held during war and other difficult circumstances, says that absentee ballots and vote-by-mail programs in the U.S. are not likely to suffer from “widespread, systemic or decisive fraud.”
Erik Herron audio file: “President Trump expressed concerns about voting…”
“President Trump expressed concerns about voting by mail while continuing to support absentee voting provisions. In most cases, the mechanisms are the same: voters use the postal service to return completed paper ballots. This system has been in place in the state of Oregon since 1998 and has expanded to other states. Like all methods of casting ballots, voting by mail has vulnerabilities. But, no evidence supports allegations of widespread, systematic or decisive fraud in U.S. elections.”—Erik Herron, Eberly Family Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
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