When the National Gandhi Museum and the Delhi High Court Bar Association in India wanted to stage an exhibit about Mahatma Gandhi’s early years as a lawyer, they drew inspiration from the scholarship of a law professor at West Virginia University.
“I couldn’t have imagined a more gratifying use of my scholarship. More than 500 Delhi High Court lawyers and judges showed up to kick off the exhibit.” — Charles DiSalvo, WVU College of Law
Additional resources:
Professor DiSalvo inspires Gandhi Exhibit in India
Media availability:
Gandhi...Saint or Sinner?: DiSalvo talks about criticisms of Gandhi's work more than 70 years after his death. The Gandhi biographer and WVU College of Law professor will speak Tuesday (Oct. 1) at 5 p.m. in 103 Oglebay Hall.
CONTACT: James Jolly
Director of Marketing and Communications
WVU College of Law
304.293.7439; james.jolly@mail.wvu.edu
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