WVU's Michael Zakour and Chirs Plein are available to talk about disaster vulnerability and resilience.
Two West Virginia University experts—one who lived through and wrote books about Hurricane Katrina— are available to talk about disaster vulnerability and resilience, as well as how communities fare when faced with long-term recovery.
Michael Zakour
Professor, School of Social Work
WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Michael.Zakour@mail.wvu.edu; 304.293.3027
"For most of my career, I have conducted research on disaster social work, and I personally lived through Hurricane Katrina while living and teaching in New Orleans. Since 1991, I have published three books on disasters, both while at Tulane University and at West Virginia University. My new book, published this year, Creating Katrina, Rebuilding resilience. Lessons from New Orleans on vulnerability and resiliency, shows how vulnerability to disasters develops over many years. People’s vulnerability and their resilience are both influenced by what prevention and recovery resources are available to them. My 16 years in New Orleans, including my own experiences with Katrina, have enriched this book and my disaster research."
Michael Zakour audio file (1:09)
Christopher Plein
Eberly Family Professor for Outstanding Public Service, Dept. of Public Administration
WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
lplein@wvu.edu; 304.293.7974
“Although we do not know what final path or impact Hurricane Florence will have, the preparations being made for evacuation and immediate response are always a test for governments. While there have certainly been shortfalls and mistakes, we should keep in mind the that emergency preparedness by state and local governments, in alliance with federal agencies and nonprofits, is most often effective and responsive. What we are now finding, however, is that longer-term recovery efforts are testing the resilience of communities, the economy and public policy. Disaster management and recovery is a long-term process that requires a commitment of public resources, attention and capability.”
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