David Fryson and Stephen Lee
Although West Virginia University does not consider race as part of its admissions criteria, the University is committed to a diverse campus as part of every student’s overall education experience. WVU experts say the Trump Administration’s exploration of possible law suits against higher education institutions’ affirmative action policies is a threat to that experience.
David M. Fryson
Vice President, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
“It is very unfortunate that the current administration is seeking to roll back the clock on important societal initiatives like affirmative action. West Virginia University is committed to diversity in all of its forms.”
Stephen Lee
Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management, Office of the Provost
“West Virginia University highly values the importance of diversity in our campus community. Students who attend WVU receive the immense benefit of experiencing a vibrant and diverse campus community in which all races, ethnicities and sexual orientations are welcomed and all contribute to the fabric of our academic and student life. A diverse campus community is therefore a critically important facet of a West Virginia University education.”
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