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MEDIA KIT: WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and Oura Health unveil study to predict the outbreak of COVID-19 in healthcare professionals

WVU Med team enrolls in COVID study
Healthcare providers in the WVU Medicine J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital Emergency Department receive their digital PPE from RNI team members.
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The West Virginia University Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, WVU Medicine, and smart ring maker Oura Health today (April 8) announced a national study designed to accelerate early detection of the COVID-19 virus symptoms and contagiousness. Leveraging an artificial intelligence-driven predictive model, wearable ring technology, and a COVID-19 monitoring app, RNI scientists and partners are developing an innovative “digital PPE” approach that potentially can identify infected frontline healthcare professionals before they become symptomatic – a possible breakthrough in monitoring capabilities and limiting the spread.

April 8 news release from WVUToday: 

WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and Oura Health unveil study to predict the outbreak of COVID-19 in healthcare professionals


Downloadable video of RNI Holistic Integrated Neuro Monitoring animation (48.8 MB)

Downloadable video of WVU Medicine Curtis Ash (487 MB)

Downloadable video of Sundale Nursing Home Marketing Director Donna Tennant (179 MB)

Downloadable video of RNI team Covid-19 research (50.7 MB)

The RNI Holistic Integrated Neuro Monitoring could be pivotal in containing the spread of the virus among healthcare workers and their families, hospital systems, rural communities and COVID-19 hotspots around the country.

Curtis Ash, nursing manager in the WVU Medicine J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital Emergency Department, speaks about the department’s enrollment in the RNI’s national study.

Sundale Nursing Home Marketing Director Donna Tennant tells WVU Medicine the study is giving the nursing home hope.

The RNI team has now rapidly deployed its holistic monitoring framework to help address the COVID-19 pandemic by continuous monitoring of front line health care professionals (nurses, physicians and others) and their families with high exposure risk to patients in the emergency room, ICU, primary care setting and nursing home in West Virginia.

WVU Medicine RNI website:

Find biographies and photos for Drs. Rezai and Marsh and Albert Wright:

Link to biographies with photos

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