As a dancer and educator, West Virginia University’s Yoav Kaddar has performed and taught around the world. His growing involvement with the Fulbright Scholar Program is helping him build new ties in Central America and to help young artists experience the globe.

Kaddar, professor and director of the dance program in WVU’s School of Theatre and Dance, recently returned from a trip to Guatemala City, Guatemala, where he interacted with a vibrant, evolving community of dance educators at schools like the Universidad Rafael Land�var, Kaddar’s host institution, and Momentum Danza Contempor�nea.

He presented workshops on dance pedagogy, advising participants on how to develop lesson plans, choose music, factor in varying ability levels, and be mindful of physical aspects. He gave student teachers the opportunity to present lessons, then led critiques.

Kaddar also led advanced courses for dancers in some of the country’s professional companies. “There are really wonderful dancers there,” said Kaddar.

The visit gave him the chance to interact with faculty from the National University’s new dance company and the National School of Dance, along with educators from other private and public institutions focused on the visual and performing arts. He spoke on “A Professional Dancer’s Look at American Mondern Dance” at the Italian Culture IThe experience left him crafting plans for future visits.

“I’d really love to take a group of students there,” he said, noting that many Guatemalan dance programs are in regular session when WVU is in summer session.

In the meantime, he’ll help graduate students in dance have similar cultural exchanges through his other work with Fulbright. This fall, he’ll begin a three-year term on Fulbright’s selection committee selecting graduate students for funding. He’ll spend two days at the United Nations with fellow dance educators, evaluating applications of people eager to teach and experience dance culture around the world.



CONTACT: David Welsh, WVU College of Creative Arts

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