West Virginia Campus Compact recently held its first-ever statewide conference at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg.

The conference provided an opportunity for WV Campus Compact’s 26 member campuses to network and share wisdom about community service and service learning in higher education.

In addition, participants from colleges across the state created care packages for the families of the Upper Big Branch miners. The care packages, filled with items emblazoned with school logos, were taken to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Whitesville for distribution to the families.

“The amount of donations from our member schools was just overwhelming,” says Franchesca Nestor, director of West Virginia Campus Compact. “By the time everything was collected, the donations covered four eight-foot tables. This kind of outreach demonstrates how committed West Virginia Campus Compact member schools are to service and helping others.”

A video about WV Campus Compact and the conference can viewed here.

West Virginia Campus Compact is a strategic initiative of the WV Higher Education Policy Commission and hosted by West Virginia University.



CONTACT: Franchesca Nestor, West Virginia Campus Compact
304-293-7133, Franchesca.Nestor@mail.wvu.edu

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